let’s begin in medium res with this screenshot of a now-deleted tweet
searching the user’s account for any mention of the word ‘birthday’ provides no clue as to what he meant by that, though we do find the following
which isn’t really relevant to this article but serves as a segue to this image of the original meme that is referenced by the term ‘birthday boy’
l believe the tweet above is replying to the following tweet which is now deleted
from a guy who appears to have remarkable stamina for arguing
though he did eventually back down
anyway, back to the point, if the following tweet was true l wouldn’t be writing this article. this use of ‘birthday boy’ is something l was completely unfamiliar with and, while l had a suspicion what it was referencing l wanted to research it to confirm
this is what l found about the origin of this use of the term
(several tweets elided)
TME (transmisogyny exempt) is a fairly broad category of people, though some of the wording here seems to indicate that this is a conflict with fairly well-defined battle lines, and l’ll admit that as an outsider my impression is that it’s basically afab vs amab trans people